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Acrylic Resin
Single-component Acrylic Resin powder to be mixed with water 3:1 (3
parts Resin pow..
Blue Stuff sticks is a new generation of thermo plastic molding material wich can be reduc..
Blue Stuff sticks is a new generation of thermo plastic molding material wich can be reduc..
Green Stuff World Silicone Putty is platinum silicone that can be easily mixed and applied by hand..
Magic Sculpt is a room-temperature curing two-part epoxy putty that lets you create extra-fine, ..
Milliput White is similar to Milliput Standard but much more suitable to get finer and smaller detai..
Mr Dissolved Putty from Mr Hobby, a highly viscous liquid filler for filling in gaps and seams on p..
Super Sculpey Beige (454
gr.) sculpting compound for modeling detailed finished sculptures. This
A 17ml bottle of Vallejo Model Color 400 Plastic Putty.Vallejo
Plastic Putty is a modelling paste ..
Super Sculpey FIRM Grey (454
gr.) has similar features to Super Sculpey Beige, but howev..